2021 Tournament Is A Wrap!

2021 Tournament has come and gone. Hosting anything during a pandemic is challenging but we were thrilled to have 79 teams experience our 25th annual tournament.

To read the official winners check out the results page.

A sincere thank to each one of you who participated in our 2021 Fish for Freedom Event, we look forward to hosting bigger and better in 2022, stay tuned……

2021 Tournament Results

Hosting anything in the mist of a global pandemic is always a bit challenging, however we were thrilled to have 79 teams participate in our 25th Annual Fish for Freedom Ladies tournament. The weather cooperated even if the “big” fish did not!

There was a total of 283 fish caught, with the largest measuring in at 74.2 caught by our winning team of Janet Esayenko, Chelsey Parkinson and captain Nathan Paradis.

Thank you to all of our participants and we look forward to hosting bigger and better in 2022!

1 st……….$5,000………Team # 15………….Janet Esayenko and Chelsey Parkinson
2 nd……..$2,000………Team#30…………..Linda Reiber and Chantelle Morrison
3 rd………$1,000………Team#43…………..Megan Bishop and Haley Stankowski
4 th………$ 800………..Team #41…………..Haylee Volke and Shay Fehr
5 th………$ 600………..Team #32…………..Marilyn Elves Walton and Heather Hind
5 th………$ 500………..Team#44……………Rose Warnock and Christina Cranch
6 th………$ 400………..Team #20………….Susan Bouclin and Camryn Ellis
8 th………$ 300………..Team #27………….Courtney Hrychuk and Sam Wick
9 th………$ 250………..Team #17…………..Debbie Harding and Becky Bayda
10 th…….$ 200………..Team #25………….Wendy Saskowski and Jeanne Hosaluk

Captains Pool………….Team #15…………..Nathan Paradis
Big Fish Pool…………..Team #15…………..Janet Esayenko and Chelsey Parkinson

Debbie Ireland Memorial – Hidden Length………$500…………….Jenna Slusar and Morgan Pederson
Megan McBain Memorial……………………………….Free Entry…… Yvette Dudar and Leanne Ganzert


Fish for Freedom Tournament - 1st Place

1st Place – 2021 Tournament

2nd Place - Fish for Freedom Ladies Tournament

2nd Place – 2021 Tournament

3rd Place - Fish for Freedom Fishing Ladies Tournament

3rd Place – 2021 Tournament

50-50 Winners - Fish for Freedom Ladies Tournament

50-50 Winners – 2021 Tournament


A sincere thank to each one of you who participated in our 2021 Fish for Freedom Event.

See you on the River in 2022!

2021 Tournament Information and Update

Important Tournament Information

Updated August 5, 2021 

  • Pick up of Registration packages will be on Friday August 13th, from 5-7 in the CO-OP parking lot, behind the C-Store.
  • For those that purchased 50/50 tickets, they will be stapled to the rules.
  • There will be a printed copy of the rules in your registration. Please review these carefully! There have been some minor changes, including a change in the boundary, which now includes south of the marina to the Francois Finlay Dam. All questions pertaining to rules can be asked at registration.
  • The Friday night supper is still cancelled, as well as Saturday results.
  • We will be doing a Facebook live to announce winners, posting results to Facebook and also calling the winners, in case there is someone without Facebook.
  • Prize money will be e-transferred.
  • We still have some t-shirts for sale, and 50/50 tickets. We are accepting etransfer prior to registration or, if there are still tickets available, cash at registration. The 50/50 draw will be done on Saturday after the tournament with a Facebook live.
  • The Dam Smokehouse will be offering a lunch order. They will hand out the lunches Saturday morning at the top of the hill. Faron is working on an order form, it will be posted to Facebook so you can place preorders.
  • Flights will be posted next week.